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No Immunity

No Immunity against variants.

Dr. Rand Paul
1. Out of a study of 38 million infected from SARS-CoV-2 (wild type) the vast majority had long term immunity. Less than 5 had re-infections.

Dr. Anthony Fauci
1. Variants are an entirely different ball game.
2. Vaccinated and previously infected persons that contracted the South Africa 351 variant had zero immunity. They had zero protection from the wild type vaccine. The first (2019) SARS-CoV-2 strain.

Dr. Rand Paul
You are making policy based on conjecture.

Vaccine 💉 is for a specific viral strain, it doesn’t protect you from other variants.

Dr. Anthony Fauci stated he continues to wear a mask after his vaccination because his vaccine does not protect him from the:
1. Uk dominant variant 117.
3. New York 526 variant .
5. California 427 variant.
6. California 429 variant.
7. Any other variant.

The question should then be, “Of what use is any current SARS-CoV-2 vaccine if they offer no protection and you still have to wear a mask like a person who is not vaccinated?

Dr. Sanjay Gupta - CNN
1. When people who are vaccinated get exposed to the virus, the virus learns and mutates to create another variant.
3. Vaccinated people inspire more mutations when exposed to the virus.

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